
You can also find my papers on Google Scholar.


Quantitative assessment of bone microarchitecture in the human knee using photon-counting CT is feasible
Fahimeh Azari, Walter Coudyzer, Caroline E. Wyers, Joop P. van den Berg, G. Harry van Lenthe
28th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, July 2023, Maastricht, The Netherlands

Photon-counting CT appears promising in quantifying bone microstructure in the knee
Fahimeh Azari, Walter Coudyzer, Caroline E. Wyers, Joop P. van den Berg, G. Harry van Lenthe
50th Congress of the European Calcified Tissue Society, April 2023, Liverpool, UK

Microstructural adaptations of the subchondral tibial bone are related to the mechanical axis deviation in end-stage varus osteoarthritic knees
William Colyn, Fahimeh Azari, Johan Bellemans, G. Harry van Lenthe, Lennart Scheys
European Cells & Materials Journal


In the end-stage knee osteoarthritis the subchondral bone microarchitecture of the tibial plateau is correlated to that of the distal femur
Fahimeh Azari, William Colyn, Johan Bellemans, Lennart Scheys, G. Harry van Lenthe
27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, June 2022, Porto, Portugal


Cemented short-stem total hip arthroplasty appears promising in patients with poor bone quality
Fahimeh Azari, Amelie Sas, Karl P Kutzner, Andreas Klockow, Thierry Scheerlinck, G Harry van Lenthe
26th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, August 2021, Milan, Italy

Cemented short‐stem total hip arthroplasty: Characteristics of line‐to‐line versus undersized cementing techniques using a validated CT‐based finite element analysis
Fahimeh Azari, Amelie Sas, Karl P Kutzner, Andreas Klockow, Thierry Scheerlinck, G Harry van Lenthe
Journal of Orthopaedic Research®, September 2021

Finite element investigation of fracture risk under postero-anterior mobilization on a lumbar bone in elderly with and without osteoporosis
Chadapa Rungruangbaiyok, Fahimeh Azari, G Harry van Lenthe, Jos Vander Sloten, Boonsin Tangtrakulwanich, Surapong Chatpun
Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, June 2021


A combined passive and active musculoskeletal model study to estimate L4-L5 load sharing
Fahimeh Azari, Navid Arjmand, Aboulfazl Shirazi-Adl, Shima Rahimi-Moghaddam
Journal of biomechanics, March 2018